Saturday, February 7, 2009

Living Foods Institute

AtlantaI am so excited! I will be attending the 12-day training program at Living Foods Institute in March in Atlanta. I was blessed with this from someone who couldn't use it after it was paid for, and it the opportunity is about to expire.

Although I still have to pay for a motel for 13 days and transportation to and from the motel and institute, it will be so worth it! What an adventure for me. There will be lots of pampering going on in addition to the treatments, classes and raw food classes. I'm looking forward to meeting lots of new friends.

I now have my plane reservations and my motel accommodations taken care of.

After I return, I'll share some of my adventures on this blog.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Viveca,

My friend and raw-food chef Avai and I did this program many years ago. It was good, but Avai's recipes are much much better. We took a colema board with us as we did enemas twice a day and stayed in one of those extended stay hotels. I hope you have a great time- we met a lot of good people. I will put up a video on our website soon with pictures from our trip there.

Melinda Elliott

PS My friend Avai will be teaching a raw food gourmet class in Alachua, Fl on Feb 28th she is really good. For flyers go to
For a slideshow of her raw food class in Oneonta NY see
She will be in Delray Beach visiting us the week of March 3rd. If there's anyone interested perhaps we can get her to do a class here. If so, contact me at