Sunday, March 8, 2009

Yesterday--Day 3

I got in from classes about 7 p.m. With the time change coming, I would be in bed in 2 hours.

Yesterday, I had an energy session, which is supposed to help get rid of certain energies within my body which causes some of my physical difficulties. This was very interesting, and I got a lot out of it.

We also had many classes and lectures. Some had to do with healing with affirmations, taken from Louise Hay. We had emotional healing classes and energy classes. We were taught how to ground ourselves, and also things to do protect ourselves from others energy.

Today I am having my 2nd colonic. I'm also having a detox foot bath and reflexology. I can hardly wait for the last two. :-)

I have to get over to the bus stop now. Buses run less frequently on the weekends, and I want to be sure not to miss my bus.

I have my phone off during the day, but you can leave me a message, if you want to keep in touch.

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